11-Day Dearmouring Training
Building a Strong Foundation
Build a Strong Foundation
It is also a deep personal journey that helps you not only understand but experience – in your own body – the freedom, energy, joy, and aliveness that being dearmoured creates. Whether you come to this course for you own personal development or to begin your training to become a practitioner, you will learn a great deal about your own blockages and traumas. Basic Training is the door to becoming a more aware, fully present, and compassionate being, and is an essential step to becoming a dearmouring professional; dearmouring yourself is requisite to being equipped to dearmour others.
This course combines theory, demonstrations, and an abundance of hands-on practice in energy work, body reading, trigger points, tension and trauma release, external and internal dearmouring (yoni, lingam, anus, and throat), and self-dearmouring or tension and trauma release. You’ll also learn a variety of soft skills; for example, working from the heart space, breath work, space holding, and how to process your own traumas.
The nature of dearmouring is such that learning it requires participants to receive a number of sessions, to practise on others, and to study and learn the theory, making this course an intense experience, with the feel of both training and workshop.
Basic Training is a prerequisite for attending any of our Advanced Courses.
- You are currently a professional body worker, sexual healer, tantric practitioner, or energy-based healer;
or - You have training and experience — either personal or professional — in bodywork, tantra, or energy work.
- You must have one of the above prerequisites to participate in our Basic Training course.
- Theory of dearmouring: Hardcore knowledge that gives you a thorough introduction to all the essential aspects.
- A safe and responsible way of dearmouring the whole body: Including external dearmouring techniques and internal body dearmouring techniques (for the lingam, yoni, cervix, anus, and throat).
- Body reading: How to read your client’s body like an open book and recognise what it is saying as a guide to where and how to work with your client.
- How to invite the body to open deeply: A way of working where instead of using force to push through the armour you simply invite the body to open and follow its impulses until it takes you effortlessly down to its depth, where full release can occur.
- Pressure points: Where to touch, and how and why to facilitate opening and the healing process.
- Energy work: How to activate the energy in the body and use it within the session.
- TRE® tension and trauma release exercises: A powerful and effective tool for self-dearmouring, healing trauma, balancing the nervous system, releasing chronic tension, and harmonising the psoas muscle.
- Session space setting: How to create a safe, emotionally and spiritually connected energy container within which you offer your sessions.
- Somatic Consent: How to touch, take, and receive in alignment with integrity and heart. Become aware of when you and others are acting out of shadows or hidden agendas, and how to transform this into light and transparency. A highly beneficial tool for all interpersonal relating — professional or personal.
- Ethics and responsibilities: Getting you to fully understand the depth of responsibility you take on in doing dearmouring work; teaching you essential procedures and practices to make sure your sessions are safe and effective on all levels.
- Empowerment techniques: How to support yourself and others in taking full responsibility for your experiences in life.
- Space holding: How to be an effective space holder – demonstrations and practice in developing those skills.
- Reparenting: The theory of reparenting: what are mama/papa issues, recognising early childhood patterns and how to work with them.
- Clearing the blueprint and residues of trauma
- Resolution of relationship issues
- Mental and emotional stress reduction
- Increased self-esteem
- Skills in conscious communication
- Empowerment and ownership of your life
- Becoming clear with your boundaries
- Increased self-love
- Energetic activation
- Increased quality of life
- Regaining or gaining ability for self-pleasure and orgasm
- Increased sensitivity and release of trauma and tension stored in the genitals
- Increased erectile functionality
- Increased vaginal sensitivity
- Arousal and easy flow of sexual energy
- Learning to give and receive pleasure
- Relief from tensions in the body
- Recovering sexual pleasure after childbirth, surgery, or trauma
- Acceptance and love for your body
- Healed addictions to porn and sex
- Trigger point massage (external dearmouring)
- Finding your purpose in life
All prices include teaching fee, accommodation, and yummy vegetarian food. They do not include transport to the venue.
For detailed price description, please read individual retreat announcements.
Ways of paying:
– Bank transfer
– Cryptocurrency
Please note:
Basic Training is intense and energy demanding and may trigger a person’s emotional issues or psychological dis-empowering beliefs. The cumulative load can be temporarily unsettling and exhausting. For that reason, please consider whether the timing of the course is right for you before you register. We offer it regularly, so you can always enrol at a future date.
If you have received treatment in the past, or are currently in therapy for, any type of emotional, psychological, or physical trauma, consult with your doctor or therapist to ensure that this course is appropriate for you at this time.
Next training
Basic Dearmouring Training – 21 – 31 October 2024 – Sweden
We’ll Offer You:
- 120 hours of teaching and practise
- A Certificate of Attendance (please note: we reserve the right to withhold the certificate if your attendance and presence are not felt to be full and complete)
- A rich daily programme, mixing learning and practising
- Daily breath work and TRE sessions
- Sharing and bonding sessions
- Full length demonstrations of each process we teach
- Around 40 hours of supervised practice time
- One-to-one tuition
- Support if needed, day and night
- A manual of dearmouring
- Highly nutritious vegetarian food
Our Instructors
De’an Matuka
Co-Founder Dearmouring Arts
Co-Founder Dearmouring Arts
Matthias Schwent
Guest Instructor
have to say about their experience with us.
Highly recommended training! Not just professionally but also great changes happen in your body if you go into this process and let it work on you. This led to major changes in my priorities within my professional life, and great healing happened in the weeks following the training.
I learned a lot. Your willingness to share your work, knowledge and experience is what I am really grateful for. Clearly there are a lot of years of work and learning behind you three, and it is not easy to teach this in such a short time. I felt supported, safe and welcome to be who i am, to ask questions and to learn.
... Amongst the dozens of trainings and certifications I’ve experienced around the world over the last 30 years, this was one of the most powerful. In addition to the effectiveness of practices, clarity of application, safety and depth of container, and heart/body/sex expansion & healing, the facilitation by De'an, Sanna and Susanne exemplified what they are teaching and transmitting, moment by moment.
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