How to Work With Sexual Energy in Dearmouring
Dearmouring Through Pleasure
KemnitzDearmouring Through Pleasure

This training explores the profound and transformative art of working with sexual energy to open, release, and dearmour the body. By weaving the healing powers of pleasure and sexual energy into dearmouring practices, this experience offers a path of liberation, deep connection, and extraordinary personal growth.
Who is it for?
This training is designed for dearmouring practitioners, tantric practitioners, bodyworkers, somatic therapists, and truth seekers eager to deepen their practice and themselves.
What can you expect?
In this journey, you’ll be invited to move beyond surface techniques to access the alchemy of sensuality, life force, and the divine flow that animates all living things. Together, we will explore how joy, pleasure, and ecstasy can heal trauma, dissolve resistance, and unlock your full potential for aliveness.
This is not just a learning experience – it’s a calling to honour your own pleasure as a powerful source of healing and transformation.
Part One: Exploring Your Sensuality
We will begin by peeling back the layers around your own sexuality and arousal.
This phase isn’t just about releasing blockages; it’s about cultivating a deeper, more loving relationship with your sensuality.
– Learn to embrace pleasure without judgment.
– Befriend your body as a source of joy, vitality, and freedom.
– Expand your capacity for pleasure as a doorway to self-acceptance and profound relaxation.
Part Two: Tools for Transformation

In the second half of the training you will be guided through potent techniques and practices that work with the whole body, creating new pathways for energy to flow freely, unburdened by old blockages. Pleasure becomes the medicine here, dissolving resistance and weaving wholeness.
– Work with pressure points intuitively to unlock joy and aliveness.
– Experience techniques to raise sensual arousal step by step, both for yourself and your clients.
– Develop internal practices to heal relationships with sexuality and awaken deep pleasure.
Why Pleasure Matters

When we embrace pleasure and bliss as natural, healing forces, we unlock
gateways to joy, freedom, and profound transformation. Many struggle with
guilt, shame, or trauma around sexuality. Healing through pleasure addresses these barriers holistically, opening space for joy and energy to flow freely through life.
What Will You Gain?

By the end of this training, you’ll have a set of tools to guide both yourself and others into alignment with life force and pleasure. You’ll learn to embody healing as a balance of release and bliss, empowering yourself to support others in their journeys with confidence and grace.
This training invites you to say yes to life, to align with joy, and to step into a state of vibrant aliveness.
This time we have a guest teacher:
Chrell Kemnitz; Myofascial Integration is a profound massage technique to open the energetic flow by slowly and deeply releasing the armour in the meridians. It is through a deep listening that the body surrenders in trust, and the long deep strokes that reconnect the broken up parts to an integrated whole where the energy can flow freely.
Chrell is a senior master in Myofascial integration work with more than a thousand sessions in his hands. He will teach you the core techniques of the work that’s supportive in opening the deep, connecting flow in the body and this way allowing for more pleasure and preparing the body for profound inner work.
– Pleasure as a gateway to profound healing; learning how pleasure can
expand your and your clients’ life quality.
– NTB – Morning activation breath work
– Consciousness practices, learning to recognise and transform belittling
thought patterns around sexuality, pleasure, and life; clear boundaries
to prevent romantic dreaming (staying real).
– Pleasure meditation and pleasure on command, learning how to open
deeply and learning to own delicious energy from within.
– Attitude: How the mind can expand the orgasmic potential.
– Lingam / yoni activation.
– Senses activation, different bodies, different density/lightness; learning
and practising ways of activating the body.
– Point of no return.
– Energy orgasm.
– Single point focused full-body orgasms.
– Discovering full-body orgasmic potentials.
– Erogenous zones.
– Sound, breath, and movement.
– Shame and guilt work around sexuality, and allowing pleasure and joy
into life.
– How to blend sensual touch, with de-armouring, and spiritual
– Pleasure as a healing modality
– Practical tools, to support yourself & clients to heal their relationship
to their sexuality
– How to align you and your clients with divine flow
– Learn how to hold a safe and ethical space for offering pleasure
related work
– How joy, bliss, and celebration is a profound pathway to
transformation and growth
- Basic Training is a prerequisite for attending any of our Advanced Courses.
Between €1790 – €2090 depending on room options and availability.
All prices include teaching fee, accommodation, and yummy vegetarian food. They do not include flights and transport to venue.
For detailed price description, please read individual retreat announcements.
Ways of payment:
– Bank transfer
– Cryptocurrency
We Will Focus On:
- Working with sexual energy in dearmouring
- Sexual healing sessions for clients
- Exploring your own pleasure capacity
- Sacred session setting
- Opening women’s and men’s bodies
This training consists of approximately 40 hours of instruction and practice. Due to the highly experiential nature of the content, the instructor may vary the order of presentation and practice of the various components to follow the energy that emerges from the group.
Your Instructor
Highly recommended training! Not just professionally but also great changes happen in your body if you go into this process and let it work on you. This led to major changes in my priorities within my professional life, and great healing happened in the weeks following the training.
I learned a lot. Your willingness to share your work, knowledge and experience is what I am really grateful for. Clearly there are a lot of years of work and learning behind you three, and it is not easy to teach this in such a short time. I felt supported, safe and welcome to be who i am, to ask questions and to learn.
... Amongst the dozens of trainings and certifications I’ve experienced around the world over the last 30 years, this was one of the most powerful. In addition to the effectiveness of practices, clarity of application, safety and depth of container, and heart/body/sex expansion & healing, the facilitation by De'an, Sanna and Susanne exemplified what they are teaching and transmitting, moment by moment.
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